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Total WAV Converter 1.01

Total WAV Converter Total WAV Converter 1.01

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Total WAV Converter Publisher's Description

Stress-free WAV Converter convert all audio formats to WAV. Warning! It's not a tool for some genius. It's a simple, light and inexpensive all-to-WAV audio converter that will not nonplus you with lots of settings and stupid questions. Our new Total WAV Converter will become your best friend. Simply open the songs you want onto the main screen, hit the convert button, and in a short time you will enjoy your new wav files! And you can play them in the built-in player.
Source formats are MP3, RA, APL, MPC, MP+, M4A, MP4, TTA, OFR, SPX, WAV, OGG, WMA, FLAC, CDA, ACC, APE, MPP, WV, XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MTM, UMX. Target format is WAV.
Windows desktop integration - if you have an audio file on your desktop just make a right mouse slick on it. You will see Convert To option in the pop up menu. You do not even have to launch the program to convert your audio files to WAV!
Built-in CD ripper allows you to easily rip your CDs and convert CDA tracks to WAV. Advanced users will appreciate command line support. You can try all by yourself for free with no obligations - just click Download link. Get new stress-free all to WAV converter right now!

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